Its Really Works Saved My But
Several Times
Trully neeeeeedeeeeeed and use
full app. I hate those speed
cameras. We know it's not about
safety. Its all about the money. It's
legalized extortion. God forbid if you
don't receive the ticket and the mail
man lost it. Then the ticket doubles,
your car gets booted, they block your
registration and report you to a
collection agency. Better to use this
app and avoid those cameras.
I support you and urge everyone to
do so. This my way of fighting back.
I am taxed enough as it is. Land of
the free??? Land of corrupt
poloticians and greedy companies out
to rob us in the name of safety. I
ain't buyin this safety bull crap of
a reason
Saved by Palert, May 30, 2012
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